Advokatska kancelarija Lončar
Novi Sad

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Dobrodošli na sajt Advokatske kancelarije Lončar, gde pravna stručnost susreće inovativan pristup rešavanju pravnih pitanja. Naš tim čini dva posvećena i stručna advokata i to Milan Lončar i Zorana Dedić Lončar.

Pouzdani saveti za vašu pravnu zaštitu

Razgovarajte sa advokatom

+381 62 877 55 70 +381 63 101 96 70

Brings together over 300 years of legal Area of Expertise

Our firm’s culture of supporting our clients is very important to us and we work hard to nurture and develop it. We will go on a journey with you

Employment and Finance

Our firm’s culture of supporting our clients is very important to us and we work hard to nurture and develop it novel problem solving.

Over $1,700,000

Our firm’s culture of supporting our clients is very important to us and we work hard to nurture and develop it novel problem solving.

Over $1,700,000

Our firm’s culture of supporting our clients is very important to us and we work hard to nurture and develop it novel problem solving.

Over $1,700,000

Upoznajte naše advokate

Nikola Tesla

Ako budem imao sreće da ostvarim barem neke od svojih ideja, to će biti dobročinstvo za celo čovečanstvo. Ako se te moje nade ispune, najslađa misao biće mi ta da je to delo jednog Srbina.

Thomas D. West, Co-founder, iRX LLC

We represent our clients’ interests on the highest EU levels. Our firm combines former top EU officials, leading EU politicians and high profile EU attorneys. We combine legal expertise…

Thomas D. West, Co-founder, iRX LLC

We represent our clients’ interests on the highest EU levels. Our firm combines former top EU officials, leading EU politicians and high profile EU attorneys. We combine legal expertise…